FOCUS – Building a Better World for Women and Girls since 1919.

Click here for a preview presented to our club in May 2022

Zonta International (ZI), was founded in Buffalo New York in 1919 by a group of five women who were leaders in their professions, with an initial focus on the education of girls and young women.  The name ‘Zonta’ comes from a Sioux Indian word meaning ‘honest and trustworthy’.  From these early beginnings Zonta International now has around 1100 clubs in 63 countries across the world.

Zonta International enjoys consultative status with United Nations, is represented on the Council of Europe and participates in the annual Commission on the Status of Women in New York.   Today Zonta’s headquarters are in Chicago. Zonta came to Australia more than 50 years ago and The Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders belongs to District 23, which encompasses Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

A District 23 Conference is held each biennium at chosen locations within the District and, during alternate years, Zonta holds an International Convention at varying locations around the world.  The next District 23 Conference will be held in 2021 in Bendigo and the next Zonta International Convention will be held in Hamburg in 2022.  These are ideal opportunities to meet and share with Zontians from other regions, and the Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders is always well represented at these events.

The Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders supports Zonta’s International and District 23 service, advocacy and educational projects as well as initiating club projects in our local community.  We are one of eleven clubs throughout South Australia and Northern Territory (Area 2) and regularly collaborate with other clubs on various projects, forums and workshops.

We meet for monthly club dinner meetings, regularly featuring interesting and educational guest speakers.  We also engage with other community organisations and are well represented at community events such as International Women’s Day and White Ribbon Day.  In addition, to complement our ‘Zonta Says No to Violence against Women’ campaign, we participate in the annual ‘16 Days of Activism’ against gender-based violence, which commences on 25 November the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

District 23 also recognises the impact of climate change and its serious impact on the lives of women and girls who are disproportionately disadvantanged by its impact.

Click here to learn more about our club.

Our Causes

  • Zonta International and its members work at the international, national and local levels to realise our vision of a world in which women’s rights are recognised as human rights and every woman is able to reach her full potential, where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men, and where no woman lives in fear of violence.
  • We advocate for
    • Gender Equality
    • Ending Gender-Based violence
    • Ending Child Marriage
    • Expanding access to Education

2022-2024 Zonta International Goals