District 23, Area 2. Club 0993

Beginnings: The Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders was chartered on 2 December 1981, with the support of the late Dr Heide Taylor from the Zonta Club of Adelaide.

.At that time we were part of District 16, which covered all of Australia and New Zealand. The District was split into two at the Auckland Conference in 1989 with New Zealand remaining as District 16. Australia then became District 23 – later separating into Districts 22, 23 and 24. Within our District, which covers WA, SA, NT, Vic, Tas, we are one of 12 clubs in Area 2, which covers South Australia and Northern Territory.

Our Charter was presented by Mrs Leneen Ford who was at that time the District 16 Governor, at the newly-opened Hilton Hotel in Adelaide on 26th November 1982. The club had 35 Charter members. Charter President: Esme Proudman, First Vice President: Paddi Lowry, Second Vice Chairman: Trudy Pohl, Treasurer: Liz Versteeg, and Secretary: Barbara Gepp.

Meetings: Held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Meetings began at The Public Schools Club, and then moved to Ayers House for over 20 years, and then in 2010 we moved back to our original home, the Public Schools Club. In 2019 we moved to our current location of the West Adelaide Football Club. This year there were a number of constraints to holding face to face meetings especially Board meetings so Board meetings were generally held via Zoom. Unfortunately because of restrictions placed on us by government related to the Covid 19 pandemic we were unable to run our Amelia Earhart fundraising meeting in January, as a result the club decided to make a donation to the Foundation.

Club Board and Committees: For most of its history the Club Board has comprised: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and four or five Directors. Whilst it is preferable for Directors to chair a committee, this is not always possible.

Past Presidents: Charter President Esme Proudman (1981-1984), Jill Welsh (1984-1986), Gwenda Cunningham (1986-1988), Elizabeth Smith (deceased) (1988-1990), Shirley Stagg (1990-1992), Dr Sarah Cunningham (1992-1994), Marjorie Smith (deceased) OAM (1994-1996), Patricia Russell (deceased) (1996-1998), Fay Leditschke (1998-2000), Heather Sutton (2000-2002), Dr Pauline Glover (2002-2004), Isobel McFarlane (2004-2006) Cintra Amos (2006-2008), Carolyn Colquhoun (2008-

2010), Jodi Knoop (2010-2012), Anne Miller (2012-2014), Sue Lear (2014-2016), Eronwy Edwards (2016-2018), Dr Heather Smigiel (2018-2020) and Dr Lesley Siegloff (2020-2022).

Our Club has had two Honorary Members – Jennifer Cashmore MP and Ms Liz Scarce, wife of former SA Governor, Rear Admiral Mr Kevin Scarce.

Membership: Membership peaked at 48 in 1991 and fell as low as 18 in 2001. Numbers remain steady between 20 and 30 for some years; however we are now 30 members. Length of service is valued and rewarded with Club service badges being given for every 5 years of service. We are fortunate to have a wealth of knowledge within our club with half of the membership having over 20 years, service and no less than 10 Past Presidents among our membership.

Fellowship is encouraged and is an integral part of our Club and members are congratulated for special occasions and supported whenever the need arises.

Advocacy Projects: Advocacy is an increasing priority for Zonta and we are active within our Combined Area Advocacy Committee. We support ACSO (Assoc. of Community Service Organisations SA) and are an active member of The National Council of Women – SA. A member of our club has been on the Adelaide White Ribbon Breakfast Committee since inception in 2008 and is now a member of the new White Ribbon Australia SA Committee. This year we became more engaged with our local Western Community joining the West Adelaide Domestic Violence Consortium which has representation from the West Torrens Council, Charles Sturt Council and the Port Adelaide, Enfield Council and organisations such as, Uniting care, Relationships Australia –SA and Zahra.

Service Projects: Service projects have addressed the Zonta priorities of health, education and economic self- sufficiency of women and girls.

In 2022 we strongly support the “Zonta Says No!” Campaign to “Stop Violence against Women”. We currently support women’s shelters with toiletry bags, and our Shoe Boxes of Love project. In the past we have supported a girls’ vocational orphanage and learning centre in Cambodia, indigenous and migrant projects, scholarships for young women undertaking study or internships, and also the production of a video to provide information and treatment options to women diagnosed with breast cancer, which was translated into several languages, We have recently partnered with the Girl Guides Association and the Zahra Foundation to offer programs to support women and girls. Our club was one of only 2 within our district to win a grant from Zonta International to support a project whereby we partnered with another organisation, this was the beginning of our association with the Zahra Foundation, and the “Food for Thought” project began. The Zonta Rug Project which began in 2005 was a very successful hands-on project involving not only Zontians but the wider community and while this project is no longer a club project, many club members still participate and offer their service. We are active with all grant applications when they are offered and we have been successful on occasions. In recent years we have also been fortunate to receive two very generous donations from Mr. Wes Pickering in memory of his late wife Trish who died 10 years ago from Breast Cancer. Having received a Breast cushion just following her original surgery both Trish and Wes were very grateful and became interested in Zonta’s work and philosophy. The funds donated will be used over the next few years to award 2 women per annum who have been an inspiration in supporting their community.

Fundraising Activities: The Club’s major fundraiser, an annual movie night has been held for over 30 years. Other successful fundraisers include “A Taste of Zonta” recipe book which included contributions from members and celebrities Over the years, we have held numerous social fundraising dinners, lunches, fashion parades, art exhibitions, and high teas to name a few. In recent times a regular sausage sizzle has been added to our fundraising activities and something new, a garage sale. Members are continually thinking of ways in which to boost funds, both for Club and Service use. The Zonta Challenge and loose change purses to name two. An outcome of one of our successful service projects which was funded through the ZI Centenary Grants “Food for Thought” was the production of a special recipe book. The books 2nd edition has been offered for sales at many events, the funds raised since printing costs have been recovered are included in our fundraising outcomes.

Area Activities: The Club has been represented at all Area Workshops since Charter and hosted many of these, and club members have served terms as Area 2 Director. The club will host the Area  2 Workshop in May this year as we see out this biennium.

District Involvement: The Club has always been well represented at District Conferences and has been represented on the District 23 Board with Margaret Rowland serving as Governor, Lt Governor and Area Director 1994-2000.Cintra Amos served as Area 2 Director and Lt. Governor 2008- 2012.Carolyn Colquhoun served as D23 Treasurer 2010-2012. Cintra Amos was the chair of the 2015 District 23 Conference Committee. and was District Service Chair (2016-2018).Sue Lear was District Chair of Young Women in Public Affairs (2016-18), and Margaret Rowland was appointed Chair of the District 23 Centenary Anniversary Celebration Committee (2018-2020). Past President Eronwy Edwards served on the District Board as Area 2 Director (2018-2020). Past members: Dr Pauline Glover served as Area 2 Director and Lt Governor 2004-2008 and chaired the District Advocacy Committee 2010-2014, and Anne Miller served as Vice Area 2 Director (2014- 2016).

District Projects: The Club has strongly supported all District 23 projects including Breast Cushions which are made and offered to all women in hospitals undergoing breast surgery, and Birthing Kits which are packed and sent to third world countries so that women can have clean birthing conditions.

International Activities: The Club has been represented at most International Conventions since Charter, with no less than 7 club members attending the Japan Convention in June 2018. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the airlines being grounded, the Zonta International Convention in 2020 which was to be held in Chicago, was cancelled. This year 2022 the convention is to be held in Hamburg, Germany, however due to Russia invading Ukraine our members cancelled their plans to travel to Europe. In 2024 Brisbane, Australia is to host the Convention and we look forward with  D23 to welcoming Zontians down under.

Zonta International Foundation for Women: Each year the Club contributes 1/3 of funds raised to the Zonta International Foundation. Some members make individual donations, and the Club makes donations in the name of members on special occasions.

Carolyn Colquhoun – Club Historian and Archivist April 2022

The Club was chartered on 2 December 1981, with the support of the late Dr. Heide Taylor from the Zonta Club of Adelaide. At that time, we were part of District 16, which covered all of Australia and New Zealand. The District was split into two at the Auckland Conference in 1989 with New Zealand remaining as District 16. Australia then became District 23 – later separating into Districts 22, 23 and 24.

Within our District, we are one of 12 clubs which covers South Australia and Northern Territory. Our Charter was presented by Mrs. Leneen Ford, District 16 Governor, at the newly opened Hilton Hotel in Adelaide on 26th November 1982.   The club had 35 Charter members. Charter President: Esme Proudman, First Vice President: Paddi Lowry, Second Vice Chairman: Trudy Pohl, Treasurer: Liz Versteeg, and Secretary: Barbara Gepp.

Meetings:  Held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.   Meetings began at The Public Schools Club, and then moved to Ayers House for over 20 years, then in 2010 moving back to our original home, the Public Schools Club. In 2020, due to COVID-19, we have been meeting on-line through Zoom. Once we get back on track our meetings will once again become face-to-face.

Club Board and Committees: For most of its history the Club Board has comprised: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and four or five Directors. Whilst it is preferable for Directors to chair a committee, this is not always possible.

Membership:  Membership peaked at 48 in 1991 and fell as low as 18 in 2001.   Numbers have remained steady between 20 and 30 for some years, however as of June 2020 we have 21 members, with one being on leave of absence. Length of service is valued and rewarded with Club service badges being given for every 5 years of service.  We are fortunate to have a wealth of knowledge within our club with half of the membership having over 20 years service.  Fellowship is encouraged and is an integral part of our Club and members are congratulated or supported whenever the need arises.       

District Activities: The Club has always been well represented at District Conferences and has been represented on the District 23 Board with Margaret Rowland serving as Governor, Lt Governor and Area Director 1994-2000.   Dr Pauline Glover served as Area 2 Director and Lt Governor 2004-2008 and chaired the District Advocacy Committee 2010-2014. Cintra Amos served as Area 2 Director and Lt. Governor 2008-2012.   Carolyn Colquhoun served as D23 Treasurer 2010-2012.  Anne Miller served as Vice Area 2 Director (2014-2016). Cintra Amos was the chair of the 2015 District 23 Conference Committee. and was District Service Chair (2016-2018).  Sue Lear was District Chair of Young Women in Public Affairs (2016-18), and Margaret Rowland has been appointed Chair of the District 23 Centenary Anniversary Celebration Committee (2018-2020).   Currently, Immediate Past President Eronwy Edwards is serving on the District Board as Area 2 Director.

International Activities: The Club has been represented at most International Conventions since Charter, with no less than 7 club members attending the Japan Convention in June 2018.  

Zonta International Foundation: Each year the Club contributes 1/3 of funds raised to the Zonta International Foundation. Some members make individual contributions and the Club makes contributions in the name of members on special occasions.

Service Projects: Service projects have addressed the Zonta priorities of health, education and economic self- sufficiency of women and girls.

We strongly support the “Zonta Says No!”  campaign against domestic violence, and currently support women’s shelters with toiletry bags, and our Shoe Boxes of Love project.

In the past we have supported a girls’ vocational orphanage and learning centre in Cambodia,  indigenous and migrant projects, scholarships for young women undertaking study or internships, the production of a video to provide information and treatment options to women diagnosed with breast cancer, which was translated into several languages

We have recently partnered with the Girl Guides Association and The Zahra Foundation.   The Zonta Rug Project which began in 2005 was a very successful hands-on project involving not only Zontians but the wider community and while this project is no longer a club project, many club members still participate and offer their service. We are active with grant applications when they arise and we have been successful on occasions.

Fundraising Activities: The Club’s major fundraiser, an annual movie night has been held for over 30 years. Other successful fundraisers include “A Taste of Zonta” recipe book which included contributions from members and celebrities  

Over the years, we have held numerous social fundraising dinners, lunches, fashion parades, art exhibitions, and high teas to name a few.  In recent times a regular sausage sizzle has been added to our fundraising activities and members are continually thinking of ways in which to boost funds, the Zonta Challenge and loose change purses to name two.

Area Activities: The Club has been represented at all Area Workshops since Charter and hosted several of these… Five Club members have served terms as Area 2 Director.

Carolyn Colquhoun – Club Archivist